Spring sports are taking off and kids and teens are excited to finally get out of the house after the freezing cold winter temperatures. Common spring time sports include, tennis, soccer, baseball, track, and more. All of these are fun extra curricular activities for your child to be involved in, but it's important to put their safety first. Follow these spring sport safety tips this season to avoid a scare:
Be Aware of Concussions
Concussions are a serious concern in all high impact sports and they can quickly become dangerous if they aren't addressed immediately. It's important for athletes, their parents, and coaches to be aware of the signs and symptoms of concussions. Be sure to educate your child on the importance of protective head gear and reporting symptoms to their coach as soon as they come on. Read more on concussions here.
Keep Equipment Clean
Dirty equipment can lead to contracting certain skin diseases. Coaches, players, and parents should make sure that equipment is cleaned after every use, including any mats, protective wear, uniforms, locker rooms, etc.
Stay Hydrated
Playing sports in extreme heat can lead to real concerns, especially if safety precautions are not used. It is extremely important for players to hydrate before, during, and after their game or practice. It's also necessary for everyone involved to know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion. You can read more on that here.
Don't Skip Meals
Skipping meals means that you aren't receiving the energy you need and can result in feeling sluggish during a sports practice or game.
Take Measures to Avoid Injuries
Sometimes, injuries can be avoided by making sure that your child has the correct equipment needed for their specific sport. For example, you can protect against some tennis injuries, by ensuring that your child’s racket has an appropriate grip size. Other sports, such as soccer, requires shin guards and other protective wear. Having correct equipment can truly help avoid your child experiencing an injury in their sport.
Participate In Warm Ups
Participating in warm ups before a sports game or practice can help prepare your body for what you are about to endure. Jumping straight into strenuous activity can shock your body, so warm ups are truly necessary. Coaches should heavily enforce this with their teams.
Spring sports are supposed to be a fun experience for kids and teens, but it can quickly turn dangerous if these steps aren't taken. Everyone can come out with a win this season when these are followed!